Confidentiality and Privacy Policies of Pacific Northwest Health & Healing

At Pacific Northwest Health & Healing, your privacy is our utmost priority. All information related to your services is kept strictly confidential and will not be disclosed without your written consent. There are, however, specific circumstances where disclosure may be necessary: If there is a belief that you may be at risk of harming yourself or others. If there is reasonable cause to suspect abuse or neglect of a child, elder, or person with disabilities. If a court order is received. For insurance billing purposes. In emergency situations. As required by law.

Confidentiality and Treatment of Children and Adolescents

For individuals under the age of 14 and not emancipated, parental or guardian consent is legally required for treatment. Parents or guardians may review treatment records. At Pacific Northwest Health & Healing, we value the privacy of our patients and maintain confidentiality except in the above instances or when communication with a parent or guardian is necessary for treatment planning. Family involvement is crucial in the recovery process. For minors, parental or guardian participation is often integral to effective treatment. Oregon law permits clients aged 14 and older to consent to their own mental health treatment by a nurse practitioner, provided they sign a waiver of parental rights.

Children in the Waiting Room

While we understand the need for flexibility, please note that we cannot supervise children left unattended in the waiting room. Our administrative staff are available to answer questions and assist visitors, but they cannot provide the necessary supervision for a child. You are welcome to bring someone to attend to your child if supervision is required. If you have any concerns, please discuss them with your clinician.

Client Participation and Rights

Your active participation is vital for effective treatment. This includes family involvement for children and adolescents in treatment. If you have questions about your treatment goals or plans, please ask. We comply with federal privacy laws and will provide you with a document outlining your rights under these laws.

Scheduling Appointments

Appointments at our clinic are scheduled by appointment only. You can call, email, or text reception during business hours to schedule. Appointment lengths vary based on individual needs, clinician recommendations, prearranged treatment plans, and other factors. An initial evaluation will determine if our clinicians are suitable for your treatment needs, followed by a personalized treatment plan to guide follow-up appointments.

Late Arrival, Cancellation, and Missed Appointments

Your appointments are important to us, and we understand that sometimes plans change. If you need to cancel, please let us know at least 12 hours in advance to avoid a $75 fee (a simple phone call will do). If you miss an appointment without giving 12 hours' notice, a $125 fee will apply. Don't worry, everyone gets one free pass for a "no-show" or "late cancellation." For our clients who are chronically ill or undergoing multiple forms of treatment, we understand that attending appointments can be challenging. Please communicate with us about your situation, and we will work with you to accommodate your needs and minimize any additional stress. Consistent cancellations or no-shows might affect your treatment plan, but we are here to support you every step of the way. If you're running late, we'll do our best to accommodate you, though arriving more than 25% into your session might require rescheduling and a late cancellation fee. And if your clinician is ever late, we'll make sure to extend your time to make up for it. We're here to help you on your journey to wellness!

Telephone Calls and Emergency/Urgent Services

Your provider can be reached during business hours. Non-urgent calls are generally returned within two business days. Voicemails are checked daily during business hours, and we aim to return calls within 24 hours. We do not provide 24-hour pager service. For emergencies, call 911 or visit the nearest emergency department. For urgent matters outside business hours, contact the following crisis lines:

The most important things to know

During hospitalization, we encourage you to reach out to your provider within 12 hours or have the hospital contact us to ensure smooth coordination of your care. We're here to offer our support and assistance promptly, ensuring continuity of care during this challenging period.

Email Communication

We typically don't rely on email for clinical communication, preferring in-person sessions, telehealth, or phone calls for treatment. However, if using email aligns with your planned care routine and is welcomed, we fully support this form of communication. If deemed appropriate, we'll ensure that any emails exchanged are HIPAA-secure. Nonetheless, please remember to maintain the security of your email account. While email isn't intended for urgent matters, it can be suitable for certain routine communications. Please be considerate of your practitioner's time and space. While we value open communication, it's important to respect boundaries. Any form of unwelcome contact, including excessive emails or persistent attempts at communication, can disrupt the treatment process. If you have questions or need to reach out, please do so thoughtfully and within reason. Let's ensure that all interactions are respectful and conducive to your treatment journey; remember, effective communication enhances your treatment experience.

Medication Management

Medications play an important role in managing symptoms, but it's important to remember that they can have side effects and interact with other substances. In psychiatry, medications are sometimes prescribed "off-label," meaning they're used to address symptoms not originally approved by the FDA. Don't worry, though—we'll discuss all of this during your treatment planning sessions, along with any potential risks, benefits, and alternatives. Your well-being is our top priority, so we'll work closely with you to navigate any concerns or uncertainties about your medications. Plus, we understand that medication costs can add up, so we're here to help. We'll assist with insurance prior authorizations and provide discount cards to help offset any high pharmaceutical costs. Remember, you're not alone on this journey—we're here to support you every step of the way.

Prescription Refills

Keeping up with your medication refills is an important part of your wellness journey. You can easily get your refills during your regular appointments, so make sure to attend them to stay on track with your treatment plan. While we're here to help, it's best to avoid relying on phone requests for refills, as they're not considered urgent. Instead, plan ahead and give us a heads up at least a week in advance. This way, we can ensure everything is ready for you when you need it. Remember, your health and well-being are our top priorities, and we're here to support you every step of the way. If you need a refill and it's outside of your scheduled appointments, we're here to work with you. Just let us know your needs, and we'll do our best to accommodate them while ensuring that your treatment plan stays on track. Your health and convenience are important to us, so we're flexible and ready to help whenever you need it, via phone call, portal message, or confidential Email.

Fee Schedule and Payment

Our charges are determined by various factors, including the length of service, its complexity, type, and the licensure of your provider. You can find detailed fee schedules for our providers on our website. As a convenience, we bill all insurances on your behalf. However, please remember that payment in full, including any copay or coinsurance, is required at the time of your visit. We accept multiple forms of payment, including checks, cash, and major credit cards. If you find yourself unable to pay in full, don't worry. We understand financial constraints and may offer payment plans to help ease the burden. It's important to keep track of any outstanding balances, as they must be settled within 60 days, unless alternative arrangements have been made. Balances left unpaid for over 90 days may be transferred to collections, which could unfortunately result in the discontinuation of services. Before your appointment, we encourage you to reach out to your insurance carrier to fully understand your benefits and any pre-authorizations that may be required. Remember, you're responsible for any services not covered by your insurance plan. If you have any questions or concerns about payments or billing, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team. We're here to help you navigate this process and ensure you receive the care you need without added financial stress.

Treatment and Length of Treatment

Our approach to psychiatric/mental health care is collaborative. We work with you and, if desired, your other providers to create a treatment and recovery plan. The initial appointments are for assessment to determine if our services can help you achieve your goals. Sometimes, we may refer you to another provider or level of care. Therapy sessions are typically weekly or bi-weekly, with medication appointments starting more frequently and decreasing as appropriate. The length of medication use depends on individual symptoms, response, and personal choice. We recommend therapy for those on medication, either with your prescribing provider or another therapist. Treatment may end when goals are met, by mutual agreement, or if another provider is deemed more suitable. We will discuss ending treatment well in advance.

Termination of Treatment

If considering discontinuing treatment, inform your provider. You may no longer be considered in active treatment if you do not schedule an appointment for 45 days without written arrangement, or if you "no show" or "late cancel" two consecutive appointments without rescheduling within 30 days.

Court Testimony

At Pacific Northwest Health & Healing, our focus is on your well-being, not legal matters. We want to assure you that we do not participate in legal proceedings against our current or former patients. When you choose to enter treatment with us, it's with the understanding that we won't be involved in legal matters or provide records for such purposes. This helps maintain the integrity of our therapeutic relationship and ensures that your treatment is solely focused on your healing journey. If you find yourself entangled in legal proceedings or anticipate such situations arising, please don't hesitate to inform us promptly. We're here to support you and help you navigate how any legal matters might impact our work together. It's essential to recognize that therapy is different from forensic or custody evaluations, and if necessary, we can help connect you with providers who specialize in those areas. In the event that we are subpoenaed, rest assured that we will do everything within our power to protect your confidentiality. However, it's important to acknowledge that there may be limitations to what we can disclose. Please understand that if testimony is required, there may be associated fees, including those for travel, wait time, record copies, and preparation. These fees are your responsibility, as insurance typically does not cover them. We understand that legal matters can be daunting, but remember that there's always light at the end of the tunnel. Your well-being remains our top priority, and we're here to walk alongside you every step of the way, offering support and guidance whenever you need it.

Grievance Procedures

If you have a complaint or concern about your treatment, discuss it with your provider. We also have a grievance procedure you may use. Grievance forms are available upon request. If unsatisfied, you may contact your insurance company or the Board of your provider. To report to the Oregon Medical Board regarding mental health issues, you can contact them using the following information: Oregon Medical Board Address: 1500 SW 1st Ave #620, Portland, OR 97201, United States Phone: +1 971-673-2700 You can call the Oregon Medical Board during their office hours to discuss any concerns or to file a report regarding mental health practitioners in the state. If you believe a mental health provider has violated their professional standards or ethics, you can reach out to them for guidance on how to proceed with your report.

Informed Consent for Telehealth Services

Telehealth involves the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health, and health administration. Pacific Northwest Health & Healing uses telephone and a video platform for remote mental health/psychiatric services.

Cost and Insurance Coverage for Telehealth

Our regular fees apply to in house and telehealth services alike. Insurance coverage for in person and telehealth visits are evolving, so gather as much information as possible from your insurance company before engaging in services with us. If insurance does not cover our services, you will be billed out of pocket.

Confidentiality in Telehealth

You can expect the same privacy and security in telehealth sessions as in-person sessions. Clinicians will be in private offices or secure locations. You are responsible for ensuring privacy on your end. Inform your clinician if anyone else will be present during the session or if privacy is compromised. Sessions are conducted through a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform and are not recorded.

Location of Patient During Telehealth Sessions

State laws vary regarding the location of the patient and clinician during telehealth sessions. Currently, Oregon and Washington require the patient to be physically in the state where the clinician is licensed. Inform your clinician if you will be out of state for an appointment to reschedule. Discuss care plans in advance if you anticipate being out of state.

Safety in Telehealth

Telehealth is a valuable tool that allows us to provide healthcare services remotely, using telecommunications technology. Here are some key points to understand about telehealth:

These measures are in place to prioritize patient safety and well-being, even in the virtual healthcare setting. By utilizing telehealth responsibly and being prepared for potential disruptions, we can ensure that patients continue to receive high-quality care no matter the circumstances.

2024 HIPAA Privacy Notice

At Pacific Northwest Health & Healing, safeguarding your privacy and protecting your personal health information (PHI) is paramount. As part of our commitment to your confidentiality, we adhere to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. This notice outlines your rights regarding the use and disclosure of your PHI and our obligations to protect it.

No Surprises Act

Standard Notice: "Your Right to Receive a Good Faith Estimate of Expected Charges" Under the No Surprises Act We want you to feel informed and empowered about your healthcare costs. That's why we're here to ensure you understand your rights under the No Surprises Act. You have the right to receive a "Good Faith Estimate" that outlines the expected cost of your medical care. This applies whether you're uninsured or not using insurance for your healthcare services. Your Good Faith Estimate should cover the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services, including associated expenses like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees. It's essential that your healthcare provider provides you with a written Good Faith Estimate at least one business day before your scheduled medical service or item. You can also request a Good Faith Estimate from any other provider you're considering before scheduling your appointment. If you receive a bill that is $400 or more than your Good Faith Estimate, you have the right to dispute the bill. Make sure to keep a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate for your records. For further questions or information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit or give us a call at 503-622-8964. We're here to support you and ensure transparency in your healthcare costs.

No Surprise Law

We want to make sure you're aware of your rights and protections against surprise medical bills, as required by the "No Surprises Law." While the following information may not directly apply to the services you receive at Portland Mental Health & Wellness, it's important to share this notification with you. What is "balance billing" (sometimes called "surprise billing")? When you receive care from a healthcare provider, you may be responsible for certain out-of-pocket costs, such as copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. If you visit a provider or facility that isn’t in your health plan’s network, you may face additional costs or even be required to pay the entire bill. "Out-of-network" refers to providers and facilities that haven’t signed a contract with your health plan. These providers may bill you for the difference between what your plan agreed to pay and the full amount charged for a service, known as "balance billing." This amount is often higher than in-network costs for the same service and may not count toward your annual out-of-pocket limit. You're protected from balance billing for:

Emergency services:

If you receive emergency services from an out-of-network provider or facility, the most they can bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount. You cannot be balance billed for these emergency services, including services received after you’re in stable condition, unless you provide written consent.

In-Network Hospital

Certain services at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center: For services received from certain providers at an in-network facility, the most they can bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount. This includes services like emergency medicine, anesthesia, and others listed in your plan.
When balance billing isn’t allowed, you also have additional protections:

Emergency Responsiblilties

You're only responsible for paying your share of the cost (copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles).

Emergency Responsiblilties

Your health plan must cover emergency services without requiring prior authorization.

Emergency Responsiblilties

Your health plan must base your cost-sharing on what it would pay an in-network provider.

Emergency Responsiblilties

Any amount you pay for emergency or out-of-network services counts toward your deductible and out-of-pocket limit.

Protecting Your Privacy: Our Commitment to Safeguarding Your Health Information

At Pacific Northwest Health & Healing, safeguarding your Protected Health Information (PHI) is a top priority. PHI includes any personal health data that identifies you, such as medical records, treatment details, and insurance information. We follow strict HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations to ensure your information remains private and secure. Our safety precautions include encrypted electronic medical records (EMR) systems, secure communication channels, and access controls that limit PHI handling to authorized personnel only. Additionally, we provide ongoing staff training on confidentiality practices to prevent unauthorized access or breaches, ensuring your health information is always protected.

Your Rights As A Patient:

1. Access

You have the right to access your PHI and request copies of your health records.

2. Amendment

You can request corrections to your PHI if you believe it is inaccurate or incomplete.

3. Restrictions

You may request restrictions on certain uses or disclosures of your PHI.

4. Confidential Communications

You have the right to request confidential communications, such as receiving information at a different address or via encrypted email.

5. Accounting of Disclosures

You can request a list of disclosures of your PHI made by our practice.

6. Notice of Breach

In the event of a breach of your unsecured PHI, we will notify you as required by law.
Thank you for entrusting Pacific Northwest Health & Healing with your healthcare needs. We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your PHI and ensuring your privacy rights are upheld.