Oregon Medical Marijuana Program:

The Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) allows qualified patients to legally use medical marijuana for therapeutic purposes. Here are some general steps and requirements typically involved in obtaining a medical marijuana card through OMMP:

OMMP Qualifying Conditions and Paperwork Necessities:

Qualifying Conditions:

Patients must have a qualifying medical condition such as cancer, glaucoma, chronic pain, PTSD, or a terminal illness. A complete list of qualifying conditions can be obtained from OMMP.

Patient Qualification:

Patients must be Oregon residents with proof of residency (e.g., Oregon driver's license or state ID).

Physician Recommendation:

Patients need a written recommendation from a licensed Oregon physician stating that medical marijuana may benefit their condition.

Application Process:

  • Application Process:

    Complete the OMMP application form, which includes personal information and medical history.
  • Application Process:

    Submit the application along with the physician's recommendation to OMMP.
  • Application Process:

    Pay the application fee. Fees vary depending on whether the patient qualifies for a reduced fee (e.g., Oregon Health Plan recipients).

OMMP Approval:


Once OMMP reviews and approves the application, they will issue a medical marijuana card to the patient.

Card Renewal:

Medical marijuana cards need to be renewed annually. Patients must submit a renewal application and pay the renewal fee.

Legal Protections:

Possession limits and other legal protections are provided to patients with valid OMMP cards.


Patients can purchase medical marijuana from licensed dispensaries in Oregon once they have their OMMP card.

It's essential for patients to stay informed about OMMP regulations and consult with healthcare providers familiar with medical marijuana to ensure compliance and safe use.

Registering A Patient Growsite:

In addition to obtaining medical marijuana from dispensaries, Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) cardholders have the option to grow their own cannabis plants or designate someone to grow for them. Here's how the grow site information fits into the process:

Grow Site Information for OMMP Cardholders:

Personal Cultivation:

OMMP allows cardholders to grow up to six mature plants (plants that are flowering) and up to 12 immature plants (plants that are not flowering) at their residence.

Designated Grower:

Patients who are unable to cultivate cannabis themselves due to their medical condition can designate a grower. The designated grower can grow cannabis on behalf of the patient but must be registered with OMMP.

Registration Requirements:

Patients or their designated growers must register each grow site location with OMMP. This includes providing the address and other relevant details about where the cannabis will be cultivated.

OMMP may conduct inspections to ensure compliance with cultivation limits and other program requirements.

  • Compliance and Limits:

    It's crucial for patients and designated growers to adhere to OMMP's cultivation limits and guidelines. This includes not exceeding the number of allowable plants and following best practices for safe and responsible cultivation.
  • Documentation and Record-Keeping:

    OMMP requires accurate documentation and record-keeping related to cultivation activities. This includes maintaining records of plant counts, harvests, and any transfers of cannabis.
  • Legal Considerations:

    Growers must comply with Oregon state laws and local regulations regarding cannabis cultivation, including zoning laws and environmental regulations.

Summary of Regulations:

By understanding and adhering to OMMP's regulations for grow sites, patients and designated growers can legally cultivate medical marijuana for personal use, ensuring access to the therapeutic benefits of cannabis in a safe and regulated manner.

OMMP & Caregivers:

In the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP), patients who need assistance with obtaining or using medical marijuana can designate a caregiver to help them. Here's how adding a caregiver works within the OMMP framework:

Adding a Caregiver in OMMP:

Definition of Caregiver:

A caregiver is someone designated by a registered OMMP patient to assist with obtaining, administering, or cultivating medical marijuana on their behalf.

Caregiver Eligibility:

Caregivers must be at least 18 years old and cannot have been convicted of a felony drug offense. They must also register with OMMP and undergo a criminal background check.

Patient Designation:

The OMMP patient must designate the caregiver on their application form or through an online portal. The designation includes providing the caregiver's personal information and specifying the scope of their responsibilities (e.g., purchasing marijuana, helping with administration).


Caregivers are responsible for ensuring that the patient receives their prescribed amount of medical marijuana. They may also assist with cultivation if authorized by OMMP.
  • Registration Process:

    Caregivers must complete an application and pay a registration fee to OMMP.

    They must also submit to a criminal background check conducted by the Oregon State Police.

  • Cultivation Authorization:

    If authorized by the patient, caregivers can assist with growing medical marijuana plants for the patient. This involves registering the grow site with OMMP and adhering to cultivation limits and guidelines.
  • Documentation and Compliance:

    OMMP requires caregivers to maintain accurate records of marijuana transactions and cultivation activities. This includes documenting plant counts, harvests, and any transfers of cannabis to ensure compliance with state regulations.

It's crucial for all participants in the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) to adhere strictly to its laws and regulations. Following OMMP guidelines ensures legal compliance and supports safe, responsible use of medical marijuana for patients and caregivers alike.

Registering a Caregiver for OMMP:

By adding a caregiver to their OMMP registration, patients can receive essential assistance in managing their medical marijuana needs, ensuring they have access to treatment while complying with Oregon's medical marijuana laws and regulations.